Parvin Akter now happy by using bio-sand filter

Parvin Akter is 31 years of old and she lives in Iswaripur village of Iswaripur Union of Shyamnagar Upazila under Satkhira District. Her family member is 4 including husband and two children. They were habituated to use pond water but in 2009 their village was affected by Aila. All the pond were polluted by saline water and as a result there was a severe scarcity of pure drinking water occurred. Every day Parvin had to collect drinking water 2 kilometer far from her house and that purpose she had to spend 40tk per day. Her husband was only one earning person and he could not earn sufficient money to maintain their family. Sometimes it was not possible to buy water due to crisis of money. So that due to lack of money they were forced to use pond water. Sometimes her school going daughter would carry water from far places and that’s why sometimes she would absent in school. They were affected by diarrhea, decentry and other water born disease. Even they used to drink less amount of water due to unavailability of drinking water.

At this moment Parvin Akter came to know from her neighbor that LEDARS is working with installment of Bio sand filter. LEDARS is working on bio- sand filter with the support of OHorozone, USA in the project titled “Bio-Sand Filter in South Western Coastal Bangladesh” in Shyamnagar Upaziala creating access to pure drinking water. Parvin was interested to take a bio-sand filter to relief from the problem of access to pure drinking water. After that she received a bio- sand filter and got an orientation to use of bio-sand filter. Now her family members are drinking Bio Sand Filter water and as a result they are free from all types of water born disease. Now she and her daughter does not need to go far way to collect drinking water from far place. Parvin is also using this filter water for cooking purpose. Now her daughter Hashi enrolling to school regularly. Parvin say “bio- sand filter helps my family to relief disease, save time and money and turned my life happiness”