Rohingya issue is a widely discussed issue now in Bangladesh and even in the south Asia. Till now, the Immigration and Passport Department, of Bangladesh Government have registered 971,627 Rohingya people through biometric registration, officially. According to the local media, more than one million people are staying in the Rohingya camp and people are still coming. Government and NGOs are also proving WASH, health services including clothes, latrines etc. About 4,440 acres of forest land has been destroyed in order to make shelter home in the camp for huge Rohingya people. Besides this they are cutting trees from the local forest to building shelter homes and cooking food. Unwise wood cutting is major environment concern in southeast hill area. According to assessment report conducted by the UN and FAO, Rohingya people are burning about 800 tons of wood per day in Rohingya Camp. It is equivalent to two football/soccer fields in the amount of forests that are being used as fire wood every day for cooking food of about 150,000 Rohingya families. The situation is a big challenge for the country and the environment. To address these challenges and to reduce cutting trees from the forest LEDARS took this iniatives to distribute Improve Cook Stoves (ICS).
Activities Photos