Home Meet the Team Koushik Roy Koushik Roy December 5, 2019 Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest WhatsApp Position: Knowledge Management Manager Email ID: knowledge.manager@ledars.org Roles in LEDARS: Education and Experience: RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Meet the Team Md. Abdullah Meet the Team Raihan Kabir Meet the Team Sampa Rani Biswas HIGHLIGHT NEWS News LEDARS providing life skill education to youth in Satkhira News LEDARS organized seed production training to address the seed crisis. LEDARS in Media ঘূর্ণিঝড় আম্ফান দূর্গত উপকূলে টেকসই বেড়িবাঁধ নির্মাণের দাবিতে মানববন্ধন ও সমাবেশ Meet the Team Md. Abdullah