An innovative initiative to improve the socio-economic status of women in Satkhira
The People of the proposed project areas are facing tidal surge, cyclone, draught, salinity intrusion, embankment erosion that forcing the people in vulnerabilities severely. Especially the ‘tiger widows’ and left behind women (Hus- band Abundant) are the most vulnerable. Because of the stigma and superstition, the tiger widows considered as outcast, wretched and sinister woman who are responsible for their husband death. These women headed families have limited options to engage with alternative income generat- ing activities as well as there is hardly any financial organiza- tion who provide them financial support without any mort- gage or guarantor. To improve socioeconomic condition “Weaving Lives” project intends to work with them.
Goal: To reduce vulnerability of women headed fami- lies and achieve gender equality by empowering women in the Sundarbans impact zone.
- To increase benefit of state services for widows and women headed families
- To create a sustainable business model by ensur- ing comprehensive and sustainable economic advancement
- To build communities that are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
- To preserve traditional and indigenous handi- crafts and promote practices of sustainable consumption and production through innovation
Major activity
- Revolving fund support to the beneficiaries to under- take entrepreneurship with a minimum 140,000 taka, provided to each SHG.
- Small cottage development with Nakshi stitching and Napkin production with the development of a marketing channel for theproduction of benefi ciar
- Awareness building of beneficiaries by monthly awareness raising meeting
- Lobby meeting with Government and local government to sensitize them about the real situation of tiger widows and left behind women in the coastal area
- Provide skill development training on alternative IGA of beneficiaries to run the enterprise.