Campaign for prevention of saline water to restore agriculture.(Campaign for Saline Water Prevention)
The southwest coastal region of Bangladesh is mostly affected by sea level rise and other negative impacts of climate change. From the start of human settlement, people used their land for agriculture. But since the 1980s people have started introducing saline water shrimp farming. Saline water shrimp farming is increasing the climate vulnerability of the people in the southwest coastal region. This practice has contributed to the degradation of agriculture, unemployment in the agriculture sector, damaged the drinking water sources, and destroyed the livestock. People are migrating from this area for better livelihoods. Under these circumstances, LEDARS along with other NGOs and civil society is conducting a campaign to sensitize government officials to stop the saline water shrimp farming in agricultural land and restore the agricultural-based livelihoods. Read more
Youth Mobilization for Conservation of Sundarbans. (Youth Mobilization for Sundarbans)
Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world and protecting wall of coastal community from natural disaster of Bay of Bengal. A large number of people are depended on resources of Sundarbans. For over extraction of Sundarbans resources and lack of knowledge on sustainable collection of resources; Sundarbans is degrading day by day. To conservation of Sundarbans and its bio-diversity, LEDARS has taken an initiative to mobilize youth to engage them with conservation activities. The students of college and secondary school are engaging with Sundarbans and ecosystem conservation work. The project has been started by the support of American Center’s State Alumni Association funding, But the project is going on with the support of LEDARS own fund. Read More
River Ambulance for Tiger Victims in Sundarbans.
LEDARS launched a river ambulance for tiger and crocodile victims in the Sundarbans. Some of the tiger victims died while transporting them from the Sundarbans to the emergency locality because of heavy blood loss. This ambulance provides service to the tiger and crocodile victims in Sundarbans, free of cost. In addition, it also provides medical services to the local community people in emergency situations.
Improve Environmental Condition of Rohingya Camp Area of Bangladesh (Environment Conservation on Rohingya Camp)
Rohingya issue is a widely discussed issue now in Bangladesh and even in the south Asia. Till now, the Immigration and Passport Department, of Bangladesh Government have registered 971,627 Rohingya people through biometric registration, officially. According to the local media, more than one million people are staying in the Rohingya camp and people are still coming. Government and NGOs are also proving WASH, health services including clothes, latrines etc. About 4,440 acres of forest land has been destroyed in order to make shelter home in the camp for huge Rohingya people. Besides this they are cutting trees from the local forest to building shelter homes and cooking food. Unwise wood cutting is major environment concern in southeast hill area. According to assessment report conducted by the UN and FAO, Rohingya people are burning about 800 tons of wood per day in Rohingya Camp. It is equivalent to two football/soccer fields in the amount of forests that are being used as fire wood every day for cooking food of about 150,000 Rohingya families. The situation is a big challenge for the country and the environment. To address these challenges and to reduce cutting trees from the forest LEDARS took this iniatives to distribute Improve Cook Stoves (ICS).