Home News LEDARS distributed stress tolerant rice seed in saline area of coast.

LEDARS distributed stress tolerant rice seed in saline area of coast.

Salinity is increasing in coastal areas as a result of climate change and people of this area are experiencing severe irrigation water crisis due to erratic rainfall during the Boro season. In this situation, promoting resilient agriculture is the only one way to sustain the agricultural livelihoods in this area. People of this area has less knowledge and awareness in salt and drought tolerant rice cultivation techniques. To introduce stress tolerance rice cultivation LEDARS provided training to farmers and distributed subsidy money to purchase saline tolerant rice. 4750 kg of BIRI 67 and BINA-10 verities seed has been distributed among 475 farmers in Shyamnagar, Asasuni and Koyra upazila. The distribution has been inaugurated at….in Headers head office. The program was inaugurated by Md. Abul Qasim Moral, Chairman, Musiganj Union Parisod. Abul Hasanat, Upazilla Agricultural Extension Officer, Shyamnagar Upazilla , Md. Jamal Hossain, Sub Assistant Agriculture Officer; Md. Abdur Rashid, Munshiganj Union Climate Resilient Forum were presented at the inaugural session.