Campaign to Prevention of Saline Water in Agriculture Land
Problem Definition
Bangladesh is one of countries in the world most affected by climate change.
In the last two decades, a growing number of floods, droughts and cyclones
caused extensive economic damages to the poor and marginalized people of
Bangladesh. Besides, the shrimp industry has changed for the worst the life of
the majority of its countryside inhabitants who rely on agricultural for a daily
living. Rich national and foreign investors have initiated shrimp farming in
agricultural lands, considered as very favorable to this kind of cultivation.
Shrimp farming though, has caused water salinity and as a consequence,
deterioration of aboriginal agricultural productions, growing desertification of
affected areas, and human migrations toward more fruitful agricultural sites or
toward cities in search of jobs reallocation.
Pdf Link: Update_on_Sali_Wat_Cam_11.09