LEDARS organized a saline tolerant vegetables seeds distribution ceremony at South Bedkashi Union Parishad Compound of Koyra upazila under Khulna district on 15 May 2016. A total of 147 marginal farmers and peasant received this seed to restore vegetable gardening in their homestead after super cyclone and tidal surge AILA. G.M Kabi Samhur Rahman, Chairman of South Bedkashi Union Parishad was Chief Guest of the distribution ceremony. Md. Shah Alam Project Coordinator-SLSCCVP project of LEDARS was chair the program.
Md. Abdul Mannan Sub-Assistant Agriculture Officer and local government representatives were presented as Special Guest in the ceremony. 9 types of seed like Bitter gourd, Ladies finger, Yellow Curd, Sponge Gourd, Elephant Foot yam, Turmeric, Small yam, Ginger and Ash Gourd were distributed. 147 farmers from three cooperatives received this seeds. Besides this, 246 farmers and peasant of Munshigonj, Burigalini, Kashimari of Shyamnagar upazila has been received seeds for resilient agriculture. This seed has been distributed under SLSCCVP project funded by Bread For the World. The newly elected local government representative appreciated the initiatives.